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Having spoken to many Cerbos users, having a workflow to author and manage policy is a top request - we have been working away on this and are looking for some keen users to test out this new way of using Cerbos.
Updates to Cerbos
Cerbos v0.24
The latest release of Cerbos, v0.24, includes updates to audit logging filters, database connection improvements and more options when deploying via Helm.
The Cerbos CLI (cerbosctl) now supports using zip files for loading policies and schemas through the Admin API.
It is now possible to set scopes for PlanResources requests made through the Go SDK.
The generated query plan for certain indexing expressions is now much simpler.
The error message produced when users try to use the audit log while it’s not enabled is now more informative.
For those of you who attended the live talk, Alex Olivier, Product Lead at Cerbos, hosted on Codementor at the end of 2022 - it was amazing to see and interact with you and help answer your questions. Thank you for joining us! If you are thinking about designing a scalable authorization process for your product and were not able to join the live event, check out the recording of the talk below!
Over the next several weeks, we will be attending the following two conferences. If you are around, please stop by and say hello. We are also providing a discount for tickets to Civo Navigate. You can claim your discount by sending us an email.
CloudNativeSecurityCon NA: Feb 1-2 Cerbos will be at CNSC in Seattle, please stop by our booth and say hello!
Civo Navigate: Feb 7-8 Cerbos will be giving a talk on the topic of “Solving the never ending requirements of authorization” on February 8th. Check out the full list of speakers and schedule here.
Blog highlights
Authorization in your SvelteKit app
Expanding on the ecosystem of integrations, we have now added SveltleKit to go alongside Next, Nest and other popular JS frameworks. Consisting of both an example project repo as well as a guide from our guest author Simone, discover how easy it is to connect Cerbos to your project and enable fine-grained authorization for your users.
How Debite built scalable and reliable access controls with Cerbos
Debite is a dynamic financing and payments platform tailored to early-stage startups and high-growth companies in the UK. As a financial technology company, Debite wanted to build a scalable and reliable solution for access controls, both in their internal dashboard and in the customer platform.
How to add global authorization for Python microservices
Microservices offer a lot of advantages, including flexible language selection, functionality-based scalability, independent deployment, and independent product development teams. They can, however, bring challenges as well. One of those challenges is authentication and authorization of resources.
We want to give you a t-shirt! We also want to talk to you about Cerbos and get your feedback, both what you like and dislike, what are your primary use cases, if you are missing any particular functionality or have suggestions on how you would like us to improve the product.